Sex-Linked Inheritance Problem Set

Problem 5: Another white-eyed female x red-eyed male fly cross

A white-eyed female fruit fly is crossed with a red-eyed male. Red eyes are dominant, and X-linked. What are the expected phenotypes of the offspring?

A. All of the females will have red eyes; half of the males will have red eyes, and half of themales will have white eyes.

B. All of the females and all of the males will have white eyes.

C. All of the females will have red eyes; all of the males will have white eyes.
All of the females are red-eyed and heterozygous. All of the males are white-eyed and hemizygous.

D. All of the females and all of the males will have red eyes.

E. All of the females will have white eyes; half of the males will have red eyes, and half of the males will have white eyes.

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University of Arizona
Updated: July 15, 1999
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