The Biology Project: an interactive, online resource for learning biology


Biochemistry basic chemistry, metabolism, enzymes, energy, & catalysis, large molecules, photosynthesis, pH & pKa, clinical correlates of pH, vitamins B12 and Folate, and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
(in Portuguese - from North America - from South America)

Cell Biology studying cells, mitosis, meiosis, the cell cycle, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, & viruses
(in Spanish)

Chemicals & Human Health basic toxicology, lung toxicology, environmental tobacco smoke & lung development, kidneys & metals

Developmental Biology developmental mechanisms

Human Biology DNA forensics, karyotyping , genetics, blood types, reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases
(in Spanish)

Immunology immunology, HIV, the ELISA assay, Western blotting analysis

Mendelian Genetics monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, sex-linked inheritance
(in Spanish)

Molecular Biology nucleic acids, genetics of prokaryotes, genetics of eukaryotes, recombinant DNA

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The University of Arizona
Revised: November 28, 2000
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