The Biology Project

The Biology Project Web Design References Notebook

Sign-up form for Fast Copy

The Biology Project has put together a collection of Web Design References for a summer workshop on web design. Fast Copy has agreed to make extra copies for web-people on campus.

The notebook doesn't contain any original information, but rather is a compilation of some of the best articles and chapters that are relevant to web designers. Many of the materials are printed from web sites, and some from books--all were reprinted for educational use with permission. There's stuff from web-gurus Pat Lynch, Jakob Nielsen, Joe Gillespie, and others, covering such topics as:

  • Site Purpose
  • Interface Design & Usability
  • Site Design
  • Site Identity
  • Page Design
  • Web Graphics
  • and an appendix with articles on learning theory, cross-platform issues, and making external links.
The cost for the notebook is $14.50. This covers the cost of photocopying, copyright fees and the binder. This order form is so Fast Copy will know how many extra copies of the notebook to run off. Fast Copy will notify you by email when your order is ready.



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Number of notebooks

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Cash, check or charge
Department Account
Department Account Number (if applicable)

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Thursday, May 28, 1998
All contents copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.