The Biology Project: Cell Biology

Meiosis Tutorial

Chromosomes in a Diploid Cell

Summary of chromosome characteristics
  • Diploid set for humans; 2n = 46
  • Autosomes; homologous chromosomes, one from each parent (humans = 22 sets of 2)
  • Sex chromosomes (humans have 1 set)
    1. Female-sex chromosomes are homologous (XX)
    2. Male-sex chromosomes are non-homologous (XY)


  • A pictorial display of metaphase chromosomes from a mitotic cell
  • Homologous chromosomes- pairs

Spectral Karyotyping- a new method

Ploidy: Number of sets of chromosomes in a cell

  • Haploid (n)-- one set chromosomes
  • Diploid (2n)-- two sets chromosomes
  • Most plant and animal adults are diploid (2n)
  • Eggs and sperm are haploid (n)

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Wednesday, January 13, 1999
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