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Lymphocytic Leukemia
Case 1
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Case 2
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Blood smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bood smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bood smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Section, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x400
Clot Section, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x1000
Clot Section, Alcian blue and PAS stain, x400
Clot Section, Alcian blue and PAS stain, x1000
Bone marrow biopsy, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x100
Bone marrow biopsy, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x400
Bone marrow biopsy, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x400
During Chemotherapy
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000
Case 3
Bone marrow smear, May-Giemsa stain, x1000