HGMD, Cardiff

Polycystic kidney disease 1

Gene symbol : PKD1

Location : 16p13

Supported by SKB, DFG & Pfizer
Number of mutations for this gene = 33 Number of mutations on this page = 7

Nucleotide substitutions - Missense/nonsense Splicing
Small lesions - Small deletions Small insertions
HGMD options - HGMD search HGMD help HGMD home Mutation map cDNA sequence
External links - OMIM entry GDB entry PKD database

DeletionDisease stateReference
CD971762 I31 GGGGGTCCTGggctgggctgggggtcctgCCGCCTTGGC Polycystic kidney disease 1 1
CD951782 I43 GGCTGGGCCGgtgggcgcggggctgggcGCACACCCCA Polycystic kidney disease 1 2
CD971763 2814 TCAGC^GGGGCcCTGGCCAACC Polycystic kidney disease 1 1
CD971764 3029 GACAGAG^GGGcTGCTGCCCCT Polycystic kidney disease 1 1
CD961981 3748 CCCACGG^CTGcggcaggtgcggctgCAGGAAGGTG Polycystic kidney disease 1 3
CD971765 4175 ATGTG^CCCCCaCCCAGCGCTG Polycystic kidney disease 1 1
CD951783 E43I43 AG^GTGAGGGCtgggccggtgggcgcggggcTGGGCGCACA Polycystic kidney disease 1 2


1 - Peral (1997) Am J Hum Genet 60, 1399

2 - Peral (1995) Hum Mol Genet 4, 569

3 - Peral (1996) Am J Hum Genet 58, 86