Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

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    Title:   OMIM Number:   Allelic Variants:  
    Text:    References:    Clinical Synopsis: 
    Gene Map Disorder:        Contributors:      

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View the OMIM Gene Map

Note: The OMIM gene map presents the cytogenetic map location of disease genes and other expressed genes described in OMIM. For more refined maps of genes and DNA segments, consult the NCBI Entrez Genomes division and the Genome Data Base.

Enter the gene symbol or chromosomal location to view, e.g. "CYP1","5", "1pter", or "Xq". You must capitalize X and Y to search for those chromosomes.

You may specify as few characters as you like; OMIM will go to the first location that starts with the characters you give.

Note: This form requires a WWW Client such as XMosaic or Lynx that supports fill-in forms.