UpToDate UpToDate® Expert User Series
Tip: Make confident treatment decisions with Graded Recommendations from UpToDate®

Graded Recommendations UpToDate has adopted the GRADE approach to classify both the strength of recommendation and the quality of the underlying information. Currently UpToDate includes more than 9,000 graded recommendations, and the process is ongoing. To view a topic's graded recommendations, simply click on the "Summary and Recommendations" button at the top of the outline.

Grades have two components: a number (1 or 2) reflects the strength of the recommendation and a letter (A, B or C) reflects the quality of the evidence supporting that recommendation.

Learn more about evidence-based medicine, as well as more in-depth instruction about the GRADE system, with the UpToDate interactive tutorial on grading available at www.uptodate.com/home/grading-tutorial.

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