UpToDate UpToDate® Expert User Series
Tip: Quickly see “What’s New” in your specialty in UpToDate®

See What's New in UpToDate
UpToDate is updated regularly based on a continuous comprehensive review of over 450 peer-reviewed journals, clinical databases and other resources. Updates are integrated carefully, with specific recommendations as to how they should be applied clinically. The most important updates are highlighted in the "What's New" tab located on the toolbar.

In some cases, new findings can have important and immediate implications for how clinicians practice. This information is highlighted in "Practice Changing UpDates" at the top of the list. These recommendations are also included in the specialty-specific "What's New" updates, and are discussed in greater detail in the full-length topic identified.

View all "What's New" updates by selecting "What's New" in the toolbar or typing it into the search screen, and then selecting your specialty or area of interest.

What's New
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