Strategies for Designing Web-Based Learning Material

Denice Warren, Development Coordinator
The Biology Project

Why publish learning materials on the web?

  • Cheap color publishing
  • Unlimited distribution
  • Animations & audio
  • Easy access to external resources
  • Interactivity
What is interactivity?

Building in interactivity, inquiry & problem-solving

Spectrum of Interactivity

Online brochures, syllabi, manuals, slide presentations, etc.
On-line references/teaching materials
On-Line Biology Book
DNA Fingerprinting Lecture
Immunology Lecture
Biology Project Problem Set
Karyotyping Simulation

A la Carte Menu of web-technologies

Technologies have trade-offs. Evaluate new technologies carefully.
Be old-fashioned! Use the simplest possible technology to achieve learning objectives.

Practical issues of web design & usability

  1. Storyboarding & development strategy

    • Good web design begins on paper.

    • Usability & feedback should begin with paper, too.
      (Paper Prototyping)

  2. Don't let the technology get in the way of student learning.

  3. Be consistent and predictable: USE STYLE MANUALS!

    Building a Team

    • Content experts
    • Web designer
    • Teacher or education specialist
    • Server administrator
    • Graphic designer
    • Programmer
    • PR/Advertising person

    The Biology Project
    The University of Arizona
    Friday, March 5, 1999
    All contents copyright © 1997, 98. All rights reserved.