Repeat the question at the top and, if necessary, the list of possible answers to help students narrow their focus as they read through the tutorial.
Organize the material clearly.
Separate sub sections with highlighted titles.
Help clarify misconceptions before introducing new concepts.
Create associations between the new information presented with something familiar or relevant to the participants whenever possible.
Use navigation to suggest looking up related items to compare and contrast.
Avoid long blocks of text. If a lot of text is necessary, break it down into sections.
Present information through different means of representations.
Use illustration whenever helpful to support the text.
Choose simple images over good looking complex ones if they more clearly illustrate the essence of the information.
Use animations or moving images only to enhance understanding.
Avoid using animations instead of verbal descriptions if students should be learning the terminology.
Be creative.
Be considerate of those who will be using the program via a slow modem.