NSF Research Award for the Integration of Research and Education

Biological Sciences

Biology Learning Center (BLC)
A computing and network resource for biology education and undergraduate biology research at The University of Arizona, as well as a web site that centralizes links to UA biology courses, departments, projects and programs.

The Biology Project
An interactive online resource for learning biology, with content that spans the curriculum of UA's Biology 181 course, integrating new research findings and current issues in biology.

Biomedical Research Abroad: Vistas Open! (BRAVO)
An educational program designed to promote international understanding by enabling students to participate in research abroad related to the research they do at The University of Arizona, and to advance collaborative projects involving UA biomedical and behavioral scientists and scientists in other countries.

"UA Undergrads Join Research Projects Worldwide" Arizona Alumnus, Spring 1996
"UA Undergraduates Apply Their Research Skills Abroad" Report On Research, Winter-Spring 1996
"Undergraduates Learn Abroad While Assisting Hosts" Outreach UA, Winter 1995

Student Biology Web
A web site devoted to academic and research projects created by biology students at The University of Arizona.

The Tree of Life
A distributed Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity.

Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP)
An educational program designed to teach students science by involving them in biologically related research.

"Undergraduate Biology Research Program" Report On Research, Winter-Spring 1996
"Undergrads Do Research For Real" Arizona Alumnus, Fall 1991

The University of Arizona
1 October 1997