The Biology Project

Instructional Design: Part 2

Madeleine Lapointe
Instructional Specialist, Dept. of Biochemistry

Creating Learning Materials for the Web

Creating skilled learners

" Why is there no word in English for the art of learning? Webster says that the word pedagogy means the art of teaching. What is missing is the parallel word for learning. In schools of education, courses on the art of teaching are often listed simply as "methods." Everyone understands that the methods of importance in education are those of teaching - these courses supply what is thought to be needed to become a skilled teacher. But what about methods of learning? What courses are offered for those who want to become skilled learners? "

Seymour Papert, Constructionism in Practice, Yasmin Kafai & Mitchel Resnick editors

Students need to know
- that they are responsible for their own learning.
- that learning is an active process, they have control over this process.
- what is expected of them.
Teachers need to know
- that students learn and remember what they understand,
not what they are told
- is dynamic system
- is under the influence of previous knowledge
To Help Students Learn

Link new information with what is familiar to students

Address misconceptions before introducing new concepts

Tell students ahead of time what they are expected to learn

Take students through your expert thinking process

Help students organize their knowledge, and give them a chance to do their own organization

Different Forms of Knowledge

We refer to different forms of knowledge when developing critical thinking:
1. declarative: the concepts, the facts
2. procedural: how it works, what we can do with declarative knowledge
3. metacognition: use strategies to apply knowledge to new situations
Resources on the Web:

Intructional design for The Biology Project

The American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)

Summer 98 Lecture Schedule

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Reproduction permitted for educational, not-for-profit use.