The Biology Project

The Biology Project Lecture Series

Preparing Images for the WWW

Creating Computer Graphics
  • Choose colors for drawing and typing from the browser-safe palette. Lynda Weinman has a nice set of colors, along with their values, at

  • When reducing from RGB to indexed color mode (ie, 24 bit to 8 bit color), choose an "adaptive palette". This palette will have many of the browser-safe colors (because that's what you started with) and additional non-browser-safe colors. That's OK, as long as the graphic degrades well.

  • Try tools such as Webscrub or WebClipper that are intended to shift more of the pixels in a gif over to the browser-safe zone.

  • Don't dither the graphic. This makes the gif file size bigger and can look ugly.

Browser safe colors can also be "mixed."

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Friday, January 30, 1998
All contents copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.