Instructional Design:
Project Design

Madeleine Lapointe
Senior Instructional Specialist
Department of Biochemistry

June 8, 1999

Where do you start?

1. Identify your target audiences
    (primary and secondary)
  • What do they know?

  • What do you want them to know?

  • How are they going to access your project?

  • What kind of equipment do they have?
2. Write a statement of purpose (goals)
  • Write a general statement of the subject matter

  • Describe what the project should accomplish

  • How was the material presented previously?

  • What are the advantages of putting this information on the Web?
    it will reach more people
    it will be interactive

  • How will the project be used?
    support for teaching?
    source of information?
    independent learning tool?
    for printing?
3. Write your main objectives
Objectives are described with action verbs.

For example:

After this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • write documents using HTML

  • add a background to their project

  • include a transparent gif to their project

  • conduct an efficient search on the Internet

  • resize their graphics

  • adjust brightness and contrast of their images

4. Create a concise outline of the information your site will contain
Organize your objectives in categories

For example:


  • write documents using HTML
  • add a background to their project
  • *include a transparent gif to their project
  • resize their graphics
  • adjust brightness and contrast
  • *include a transparent gif to their project
  • conduct an efficient search on the Internet

Human Need for Organization

"Man is the great pattern-maker and pattern perceiver. No matter how primitive his situation, no matter how tormented, he cannot live in a world of chaos."

Edmund Carpenter

Site Structures

For information about sites structures:
Yale University School of MedicineWeb Style Guide: Site Structure

Example of sequence structure: Adobe

Structure of The Biology Project

Home Page

  • The most visited page of your site

  • Establishes the identity of the site

  • Should be attractive and informative

  • Ideal place to display content and links

Campus Health Center

Yale University School of MedicineWeb Style Guide: Safe dimensions for Web page graphics

Illusion of Depth

Rough & Tumble
Marine Discovery

Page Design

  • Establish a basic layout pattern

    Order in which readers see page:
    1. large masses of shapes and colors
    2. graphic elements
    3. text

  • Determine where the major elements will appear on the page
    (page title, subtitles, and navigation)

  • Attract attention with visual contrast

  • Convey a sense of organization

  • Create layout and navigation patterns that are consistent and predictable

To Increase Readability

All Documents

All documents should include:
  1. a link to the Home page of the project

  2. a footer at the bottom of each page
- Name of the project
- Name of the Institution
- Last modification date
- A contact person or team
- The URL of the project
- Copyright information

Web Project Planner


The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Monday, June 8, 1999
All contents copyright © ABOR 1999. All rights reserved.