A Practical Introduction to Web Design

Denice Warren, The Biology Project

About The Biology Project

Team members: - 2 web developers
- 1 student graphic designer
- 1 server administrator/database programmer
- Several faculty content experts
- 2 volunteer translators (in Argentina & Chile)
- Collaborators at SWEHSC
- Departmental computer support people
About the site: - site is modular and scalable
- format is generalizable
- contains nearly 5,000 web pages
- almost 40 separate modules
Site statistics: >100,000 user sessions/month
average user stays > 10 minutes
> 2.5 million server hits/month
most traffic from outside UA
Publications: NetWatch Hotpick, Science Magazine, March 1999.
Biology Pick Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine, September 1998

Practical issues of web design & usability

  1. Storyboarding & development strategy

    • Good web design begins on paper.

    • Planning pays off in the end! Don't rush things.

  2. Don't let the technology get in the way of usability.

    Use of various versions of Netscape from late 1995 to January 2002
    Heavy lines show empirical data; thin lines predicted data.
    Sources: Interse (1995-1997), AdKnowledge (1998), StatMarket (1999). Graphic © 1999 Jakob Nielsen. Used with permission.

  3. Be consistent and predictable: USE STYLE MANUALS!

    Predictability, Consistency, & Usability

    Categories for links
    A "condiments" link should link to mustard, ketchup.

    Human Resources

    Parallelism between categories
    In a building, room 143 is expected to be directly below room 243

    The Biology Project

    Site identity & the "flip test"

    Student Biology Web
    Student Web Pages
    Report on Research
    Biology Learning Center

    Predictability of links & linking to external sources

    YWSG page on Navigation
    Women's Resource Center
    Human Bio at TBP

    Page Design

    Major Elements of a Page


    Links & buttons (The Squint Test)

    UA Site Licenses
    BPA College
    Usable Web
    The Manduca Project

    Treatments for Text

    Handbook for Appointed Personnel
    YWSG Balanced Pages
    RAIRE articles
    Immunology Tutorial
    Research Biology Web (Myosin)

    Decorations, Bells & Whistles

    University Teaching Center
    Law Library

    The Biology Project
    The University of Arizona
    Sunday, June 6, 1999

    All contents copyright © ABOR 1999. All rights reserved.