The Biology Project

The Biology Project Lecture Series

Resources for File Maker Pro Development

  1. FileMaker Pro 4 for Macintosh or Windows by FileMaker, Inc. (List $199.95; Educational Discount $110). Server and Developer versions are also offered. Manual is not great.
  2. Claris Home Page 3 has built-in File Maker Pro connectivity tools. Documentation is not great.
  3. File Maker Pro Web CDML Reference Database

  4. File Maker Pro CDML Tool: Interactive interface between database and HTML editing application.

  1. Database Publishing on the Web with FileMaker Pro by Maria Langer, Peachpit Press, 1998 (List $29.95; Discount $23.96)

    Designed to help you get your database online, whether you are using FileMaker 4 with its integrated Web publishing features, or FileMaker 3 with third-party helper applications. Highly recommended. Sample code given for five different web publishing solutions. Examples were very useful in creating the Biology Project authoring pages.
  2. Database Design and Publishing With Filemaker Pro 4 : For Mac and Windows by Jeff Gagne and Don Crabb, M and T Books, 1998 (List $39.95; Discount $31.96)
    Detailed instructions and a hands-on, solutions-based approach to working with all types of FileMaker Pro databases. Good coverage of relational databases. The companion CD contains a demo of FileMaker Pro 4 for the Mac and 32-bit Windows platforms with templates and examples. Stronger on FileMaker application, but weaker on web publishing than the book by Maria Langer. Coverage of CDML and custom web publishing is inadequate.
  3. Filemaker Pro 4 Bible by Steven A. Schwartz, IDG Books, 1998 (List $39.99; Discount $31.99).
    Designed for the novice to intermediate database user, the "FileMaker Pro X Bible" is a complete introduction to FileMaker Pro for Macintosh and Windows. Describes program features and capabilities, with illustrative screen shots and examples. CD-ROM has 100+ templates, demos, and utilities. Coverage of CDML and custom web publishing is inadequate.
Web Resources
  1. MIT User's Group
  2. Search Engine for anything related to FileMaker Pro.
  3. Chris Moyer's FileMaker Pro web site.
  4. DIGFM users group
  1. FileMaker Pro 4 Advisor Magazine
  2. Advanced Database Systems has a download site, with the shareware "Chartmaker Pro" plug-in for FileMaker.

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
June 19, 1998
All contents copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.