William J. Grimes, Ph.D.

Biology 181

I co-teach two sections of Introductory Biology 181 with Rick Hallick, and also run the 181H honors sections for the entire course. The goal in this course is to introduce the molecular and biochemical concepts necessary for understanding the biology of cells. We also study how our behavior influences the quality and duration of our lives, including the value of good nutrition, how to avoid heart disease and the dangers of AIDS. Our concept is that a study of biology should teach students about the process of science, how molecules work together in living organisms, and how understanding biology can improve our lives. A goal in the course is to use the WWW and problem solving to teach biology.


I advise students with majors in the Biological Sciences. I also advise during summer orientation for freshmen and transfer students, and pre-health professional students. My normal office hours for students are from 12-1:00 PM Tues. and Fri., although I will see students at any time.

Biology Learning Center

The Biology Learning Center (BLC), established in 1990, is an open-acces computer lab for undergraduates, with software to enhance a undergraduate biology classes, and web services for educational outreach. Students have access to lecture materials, problem sets with tutorials, graded home work, and special projects for biology. I was a co-founder of the BLC, and continue to develop new educational exercises.

The Biology Project

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has funded a 2-year project to deliver interactive general education course material using the worldwide web. Our WWW site, The Biology Project, offers an ongoing record of progress, and an opportunity for evaluation and feedback. Materials developed will be available to students through the Biology Learning Center.


We have developed a laboratory to simulate the transmission of an infectious agent. The laboratory involves exchanging fluids between students and then determining the spread of the agent using a modified ELISA assay. The laboratory has been in use at the University of Arizona for three years, and has also been run by more than 2,000 high school and middle school students. Our site on the WWW provides background information about HIV, and details the laboratory experience.


Grimes, W., Chambers, L., Kubo, K., and Narro, M.L., " Laboratory Experience Simulating Transmission of a Viral Disease (AIDS) Detected by a Modified ELISA Reaction." The American Biology Teacher, in Press 1997.