MEDRETE to El Salvador

3-16 Aug 97

Las Minas, one of the villages where the team set up their medical facility.

A combined Air Force and Army team traveled to El Salvador for a 2 week Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE). The team was composed of 12 people which included physicians, a nurse, a dentist, and technicians. During the 2 week visit, approximately 10,500 adults and children were seen. Four different sites were visited which were located in rural areas around the city of Chalatenango. These sites included Las Junta, Las Amates, Las Minas, and Las Chapas. Schools and buildings at the sites were used as clinics. Each day over 1,000 people stood in long lines to be seen by the American physicians despite the austere conditions. Many interesting cases were observed during the trip and these will be presented in the following pictures.

Map of El Salvador

A Pictorial Record of the Trip

Tropical Medicine Cases
