The Biology Project

A Practical Introduction to Web Design

Denice Warren, Instructional Specialist
Department of Biochemistry

Handout from lecture

Note: This lecture was based on a collection of examples from UA webspace--some examples of good design and some not-so-good design, in no particular order. Also, sites change frequently, so the examples will likely become outdated quickly. For those who did not attend the lecture, the handout linked above might be more useful than this bag o' links.

Site Design

Storyboarding & development strategy
Good web design begins on paper.

Categories for links
A "condiments" link should link to mustard, ketchup.

Parallelism between categories
In a building, room 143 is expected to be directly below room 243

The Biology Project

Style Manuals

The Biology Project Style Manual
Biochemistry Style Manual

Predictability of links & linking to external sources

YWSG page on Navigation
Women's Resource Center
Human Bio at TBP

Site identity & the "flip test"

Student Biology Web
Student Web Pages link from "Enrolled Students"
Report on Research
Biology Learning Center
Environmental Biology 206
General Virology 429
Wacky Antibodies

Page Design

Major Elements of a Page

The Biology Project
Dept of Biochemistry
UAInfo Redesign

Links & buttons (The Squint Test)

UA Site Licenses
BPA College

Treatments for Text

Handbook for Appointed Personnel
YWSG Balanced Pages
RAIRE articles
Immunology Tutorial
Research Biology Web (Myosin)

Bells & Whistles

University Teaching Center
MCB 411
Honda check out the "color your car" feature
Advertising examples

Following the rules

  1. UAInfo University-wide policies
  2. Advertising policy--state regulations
  3. Copyright laws
  4. UA Identity

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Friday, January 23, 1998
All contents copyright © 1997, 98. All rights reserved.