The Biology Project

The Biology Project Web Lecture Series

Course Materials on the WWW: Examples from UA Webspace

  1. Biology Project Web lecture series schedule & lecture links available at
  2. This lecture's handout is available at
Syllabi & Course Home Pages
Animal Genetics Traditional syllabus, but lecture schedule links to relevant resources for learning on the web--even materials from prerequisite course at UA. Exam keys posted immediately after exams.

Physiological Systems Semi-traditional presentation of syllabus (uses frames). Has links to listserve info, www resources, and library research assignment.

Biology 181"Star" formation site. Profs lecture from web notes, take web breaks during class. Homework is turned in online, and students can work through interactive problem sets. Frequently accessed links at top, course info down below. Announcements prominent.

Environmental Biology "wagon-wheel" formation site. Has on-line tutorials, quizzes, library assignment. Announcements prominent.

Cell Biology "star" formation site. Homework to print out, good tie-in of web resources to lecture schedule. Caucus discussion fully integrated into course. Announcements prominent.

Automated Course Site Development
webCT a tool employed by the distance learning people at the library.

POLIS a web course construction kit developed at UA

CourseWeb for faculty course development in the Dept. of Chemistry

Learning about students in the class
Bioinformatics Student questionnairre asks about courses taken, career goals, computer skills, etc.

General Virology Student information form gathers SID, email, major info, pre-reqs taken.

Information Resources Distance learning course in Library Sciences. Students post bio pages to introduce themselves to their instructor and classmates.

Lecture Notes
Microbial Genetics Lecture outlines with links to detailed narrative on topics.

General Virology Lectures from on-line notes in class. Lectures link to graphics. Many students print out notes before class. (guest lecture overheads scanned in and posted, too)

Biochemistry Post writings on white board made during lecture. Also convert Powerpoint slideshows to web.

Special Topics in Bioinorganic Chemistry Has students post *their* notes!

On-line References
Plant Identification Taxonomic Tour of selected plants.

Marine Biology Phyla and divisions of organisms covered in the class. (note red spots on fish--moire patterns from scanning)

Problem Sets, Tutorials & Other Learning materials
Environmental Biology Self-assessment system developed in Australia, runs on cgi scripts on IC server. Hints and feedback for wrong answers.

Bio 181 Immunology Tutorial developed by Biology Project. Content first, then "test yourself" with feedback for wrong answers.

Bio 181 Sex-linked Inheritance Problem set also developed by Biology Project. Questions first, with detailed tutorials, so that students read content with a question in mind.

Graded Homework and Grades
Introductory Biology, General Virology, Molecular Biology Multiple choice and short answer homeworks submitted, graded, and "returned" on the web. More on this technology in Ken William's talk on Feb 20.

Bio 181 Class scores Posted as soon as grading is completed.

Self-tests and Practice Exams
Note: Both of these sites use HTML form elements in an interesting way--with no submit button.

Microbial Genetics Mark answers to practice exam on one page, flip to next to check them.

General Virology Drop-down menus to show correct answers.

Discussion Groups
Cell Bio Uses Caucus. Professor checks in frequently and puts important information up to encourage student usage, and notes that if he just waits for students to post questions on Caucus, "not much happens."
Scavenger Hunts
Bioinformatics Students work in groups to find specific bits of course-related information on the web.

Note from this professor: "My hope is that it will provide an effective way to promote cooperative learning. To that end, several educators who have studied cooperative learning suggest that the assignments to groups need to be really hard, so that no member of the group can solve them alone, hence the group has to work together."

Student Projects

Women and Western Culture Groups research various topics and create "webpapers."

Intro Biology Honors Groups work with faculty mentor to read and understand research paper, then explain research in a web site.

Science Connection Students post lesson plans on site.

Interactive Conference for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Posters (converted Powerpoint slides) and on-line discussion about student research projects.

Information Resources Library Science students make sophisticated online resources, with rating systems for web sites they review, about assorted topics. They work together in groups in this distance learning class.

Introductory Biology Lab Karyotyping Activity where students are given 3 case studies and must complete the karyotype for each patient, then diagnose them. Students were given worksheets to turn into TAs.

Biology Project On-line Onion Root Tips is a complement to the traditional microscope lab where students count the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle.

Inquiry Activities
Biochemistry Chime Molecular Visualization Plug-in

Bio 181 Lab Introduction to Molecular Structure uses MacMolecule as a helper app. Students turn in paper worksheet to TA.

| The Biology Project | Dept. of Biochemistry |

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Wednesday, February 11, 1998
All contents copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.