Biology Project Outreach

3-Day Workshop, August 18, 19, 20


This 3-day intensive web design workshop will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., August 18-19, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 20th. In that time, we will cover basic HTML, site and page design, and creating quality web graphics. Participants will begin working on their own projects on the 3rd day. Participants will sign up for a 2 hour working session at their convenience to follow up with production of their web site.

Workshop Participants

Participants must have the flexibility to spend 2 1/2 days away from the office. It will be a busy few days, but participants will leave with a finished (or at least well-started) web project and a good understanding of web site creation.

Participants should come with a web project in mind. Ideally, we'd like to see people work in pairs on their project, but single participants are OK too. Basic computer & word processing skills are required.

Participant list (20 total spots available, pretty much full now)

Where, When, & Who

The Biology Learning Center
Chemistry & Biological Sciences Building Room 209

August 18, 19, and 20 (Monday-Wednesday)
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (1-hour lunch break at noon) on Monday and Tuesday
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday
2 hour private working session to be scheduled for each project, to take place within 2 weeks of the workshop

Taught by Denice Warren and Madeleine Lapointe of the Biology Project, with assistance from many of the Biology Project Team. Computer support by Jim Lowell of the Biology Learning Center.


Workshop Notebook, provided by The Biology Project
Day 1 Readings
Day 2 Readings

How to Use HTML 3 by Scott Arpajian, Ziff-Davis Press, 1996.
(On order at the ASUA bookstore, Biochemistry section of Textbooks)

The Yale Web Style Manual

High Five: Excellence in Site Design

The Biology Project Style Manual


Day 1, Monday August 18
8 - noon Introduction to the internet.
Learn how to conduct efficient and useful web searches.
Visit and evaluate web sites.
1-4 Make a simple web page that is an annotated list of links, especially sites that could be integrated into your project web site.

Discuss how to get your web site to turn up in web searches, and how to get people to link to it. Go over Submit-it's Tips for announcing web sites to search engines and directories.

homework To prepare for Day 2, read the first collection of materials in the workshop notebook.

For a summary of information about web graphics, read Arpajian pages 76-77 "What are GIF and JPEG files" and pages 80-83 "How to add an image to your HTML document". (optional)

Day 2, Tuesday August 19
8 - noon Learn how to create basic web graphics in Adobe Photoshop, and about the copyright issues surrounding images on the web.
Work through the web page on Preparing images for the www

Optional: Visit The Copyright Website or Cyberspace for Non-lawyers

1-4 Lecture on instructional design and web site and page design.
Map out your activity on paper.

Optional: Visit the YWSG section on Site Design

homework For Day 3, read the second collection of materials in the workshop notebook.

Also read Chapter 11 of Arpajian, "Using Tables" pp. 115-121. Optional: Visit Killer Web Sites' Killer Tables Tutorial at

Day 3, Wednesday August 20
8-1 Organize web activity files and directories.
Develop nomenclature.
Begin authoring web project.Graphic design students and HTML experts will be available to help.

Sign up for 2-hour individual working sessions scheduled for the following two weeks.

Working Sessions, August 25 - September 5
sign up for 2-hour time slot Continue authoring web pages. Work with graphic designer to create graphics. Evaluate the progress of web development and make plans for the path of future development.

Outreach About BLC UA

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Wednesday, July 30, 1997
All contents copyright © 1997. All rights reserved.