The Biology Project

The Biology Project Lecture Series

Tutorial Authoring with a FileMaker Pro 4 Database

Introduction: The Biology Project Tutorial
  1. Example: Human Genetics
  2. Biology Project Tutorial Instructional Design Manual
  3. Based on a highly predictable, multiple choice format with highly variable content.
  4. Severalthousand pages have been hand-coded
Advantages of Web Authoring with a Database
  1. Content creators (faculty) not required to work with HTML; with forms not even required to work with the database application
  2. Ease of creation, maintenance and updating web site/HTML code
  3. Enables collaborative projects
  4. Import of existing multiple choice questions into databases
  5. Multiple data types handled, i.e. images, sound, animations, etc.
  6. Support for graphs, forms, on-line assessment instruments
  7. Static or Dynamic creation of web pages
  8. Enable rapid foreign language translations of educational material, i.e. El Proyecto Biologico
Why Choose FileMaker Pro?
  1. Cross Platform, MacOS (#1) and Win95/NT (#2)
  2. Easiest to Learn; stable/reliable. Accessible to non-technical types
  3. Instant/Custom Web Publishing Built In
  4. Third Party web publishing applications available
Disadvantages of File Maker Pro
  1. Learning curve for database and CDML language
  2. Not currently ODB compliant
  3. Not fastest available database
  4. No SQL support
Demonstration: Prototype Biology Project Authoring Solution
  1. Note: Password required for access.
  2. Content Creation: Instant Web Publishing of Database for Biology Project Tutorials
  3. Content Creation/Web Page Authoring with an on-line database
  4. Web page creation
FileMaker Resources | Workshop | Lecture Series | Biology Project

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
June 18, 1998
All contents copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.