Welcome to CSU Los Angeles'
Engineering Geology WWW Site
General Disclaimer
This Web project was developed as part of "Internet Resources" courses offered by the Biology and Geology departments of the California State University, Los Angeles in 1995 and 1996. It was submitted to the instructors for evaluation and then placed on-line by the Electronic Desktop Project (EDP). EDP does not update or maintain any of the material of this project, and does not vouch for validity or correctness. Furthermore, the student developing this project was instructed about the rules of copyrights. EDP can in no way be responsible for the inclusion of copyrighted material within this project.
This Home Page is a gathering of other sites and locations, a Bibliography, and other pages dealing with Engineering Geology and/or Geotechnical Engineering.
Haphazardly compliled by 
For key word searches of the Internet you can use either Web Crawler, or Gopher's Veronica
HTML Page by: Marc Haworth.
The following has been added by the Electronic Desktop Project:
Contact Us
Please take a few minutes to send us your comments and suggestions. We read every message and try to respond promptly to questions. Your feedback will help us improve our project.
If you are an educator who is using our NEXTSTEP or virtual applications in the classroom, we would especially like to hear from you. Let us know what you are doing and how it is working out. Continued support for this project will depend on its impact in science education.
If you are an educator who is interested in making use of our NEXTSTEP or virtual applications, please let us know how we can help.
Other Places To Go
Return to the Electronic Desktop Project home page
Check out the WWW Virtual Application Catalog from the EDP
Check out the NEXTSTEP Application Catalog from the EDP
Visit the home page for California State University, Los Angeles