"Mistakes are portals of discovery." -- James Joyce
"...and sometimes the cause of destruction."

General Disclaimer
This Web project was developed as part of "Internet Resources" courses offered by the Biology and Geology departments of the California State University, Los Angeles in 1995 and 1996. It was submitted to the instructors for evaluation and then placed on-line by the Electronic Desktop Project (EDP). EDP does not update or maintain any of the material of this project, and does not vouch for validity or correctness. Furthermore, the student developing this project was instructed about the rules of copyrights. EDP can in no way be responsible for the inclusion of copyrighted material within this project.
This home page compiles toxicological information on several hazardous substances in the environment -- chemicals distributed in the environment both naturally and as a result of human activity. Also included are the affects on human health and the environment and other related topics.
Click the colored dot for toxicology information briefs.

The following substances are classified in 1992 as hazardous by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). General information on chemical properties and health concerns were prepared by the ATSDR Division of Toxicology. Click
for ATSDR HazDat.
- DDTs (DDT, DDE, & DDD)