Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Wetlands can produce more food and fiber than comparable upland areas and are too valuable to fill, develop, and destroy. Holland's reclaim salt marshes, for example, produce more than half of Europe's vegetable crops. Saving wetlands from destruction and development provides scientific, educational, and recreational opportunities today and options tomorrow, including agriculture and aquaculture. Marinas, dock-side homes,landfills, airports, and highways will not feed tomorrow's hungry!
Many wetland species are limited in numbers and distribution. Some plants and animals are unique to particular wetlands. For example. 20% of the species on the Federal Endangered Species List depend exclusively or heavily on wetlands. Losing even a small portion of the wetlands in a region means a high risk of losing wetland species. Within a given wetland all the species, from the obscure invertebrates to the obvious plants, have a role in the healthy wholeness of the wetland.
Wetlands, because of the presence of water, lush vegetation, and abundant wildlife, are naturally attractive to people. Wetlands provide recreational uses such as birding, nature study, fishing, hiking, exploration, photography, solitude, painting, boating, hunting, and trapping.
Wetlands can provide records of past climates and vegetation types with their plant, animal, and fossil accumulations. Understanding past environmental conditions helps in predicting future occurrences. Archeological sites often occur around wetlands. Early Native Americans utilize wetlands and are a part of American history.
Wetlands enhance the earth's water cycle by facilitating underground water recharge and slowing the flow of water into the sea. Wetlands are prime ground water recharge areas and coastal wetlands prevent saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers.
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