The Biology Project

Tentative Workshop Agenda 1999

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The Workshop Facility

The Biology Learning Center
Chemistry & Biological Sciences Building Room 209

Materials (provided for participants)

Web Style Guide by Lynch & Horton

HTML 4 for the World Wide Web by E. Castro.

Tentative Schedule

Below is the tentative agenda for the days of the workshop. The Biology Learning Center will also be open during workshop evenings with workshop staff in attendance for independent work on individual projects.
Day 1 Monday
8:30-10:30 Biology Learning Center
-Learn how to conduct efficient and useful web searches
-Visit and critique biology web sites
10:45-11:45 CBS 216
A Practical Introduction to Web Design (Denice Warren)
1:15-2:30 CBS 216
Instructional Design: How do people learn? (Madeleine Lapointe)
2:45-5:00 Biology Learning Center
-Make an annotated list of links in HTML
-Participants already fluent in HTML will have a side class on advanced table creation.
Day 2 Tuesday
8:30-9:30 CBS 216
Instructional Design for the Web: Where does one start? (Madeleine Lapointe)
9:45-10:45 CBS 216
Course Materials on the Web (Denice Warren)
11:00-12:00 CBS 216
-Map out and plan your web project on paper
1:15-2:30 Biology Learning Center
-Photoshop: working with tools and layers (Nathan Hartvigsen)
2:45-4:00 Biology Learning Center
-Photoshop: advanced tools and filters (Nathan Hartvigsen)
4:00-5:00 Biology Learning Center
-Photoshop: play and problem-solve
-optional scanning sessions (slide and flatbed)
Day 3 Wednesday
8:30-9:45 CBS 216
Preparing Images for the WWW (Conceptual Photoshop) (Denice Warren)
10:00-12:00 Biology Learning Center
-More hands-on Photoshop: Saving in JPEG and GIF formats (Denice Warren)
1:00-2:00 Biology Learning Center
-Colors and the Web (Denice Warren)
2:00-5:00 CBS 216
-Organize web activity files and directories
-Develop nomenclature
-Create templates to begin authoring activity
Day 4 Thursday
8:30-9:30 CBS 216
Copyright & the Web (Harold Perry, Dept. of Biochemistry)
9:45-10:45 Biology Learning Center
-continue authoring activities
-work with designers to create graphics
11:00-12:00 Biology Learning Center
-more authoring and design
1:15-3:00 CBS 216/Biology Learning Center
-working session
3:15-5:00 Biology Learning Center
-Presentations of work to group
Day 5 Friday
8:30-9:30 CBS 216
Lost in Cyberspace?: Strategies for High Web Search Rankings (Ken Williams)
9:45-12:00 Biology Learning Center
-working session
1:15-2:15 CBS 216
Building Web Site Infrastructure (Ken Williams)
2:15-5:00 Biology Learning Center
-working session
Day 6 Saturday
8:30-12:00 Biology Learning Center
-working session
1:15-3:00 Biology Learning Center
-working session -take home a list of "job descriptions" for staff/student help on educational web development
Evening Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
-optional field trip. Transportation provided.

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The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
February 16, 2000
All contents copyright © 1997-8. All rights reserved.